Saturday, February 28, 2009

Coming Out of the Style Closet

In my very first post, I described being caught between wanting to be respected as a scientist and wanting to be true to myself. I discussed how I had given up the "girly" things I liked in order to tame down my look and blend in. It wasn't something I did all at once. It was a slow transformation. I stopped wearing bright nail polish, then gave up the flashy jewelry, eventually I only wore heels on special occassions, and finally ended up with a comparatively drab wardrobe.

Recently, I've broken out of my shell. I'm back to being a fashion statement. I wear skirts, and heels, and nail polish to science lab (gasp!). I've heard comments such as, "Are you trying to get a man? Science majors don't dress this good." One of my professors comments about my "clicky" shoes every day she see me. I have decided that it's ok if I stand out. I feel more confident. One of my good friends (who was a large encouragement in bringing back my style) asked, "How does it feel to wake up every morning and be the shit?" It feels fabulous!!! I'm not your average science nerd so why should I pretend to be? I like science and fashion and I'm no longer afraid to admit it. My IQ hasn't changed just because I traded in my fleece jacket for a form fitting blazer.