Sunday, April 11, 2010

America's Next Top Model or America's Next Top Scientist?

A woman I work with recently asked me why I don't just become a model since I can't get a job in biology. I laughed.

Here is what I should have said:

This brain is not model material but I am flattered that you think the rest of me is. In other words, thanks but no thanks. Not to mention, I'm 5'7" not 5'11" and I'm a size 2 not a size 0. Oh yeah, and also, I didn't almost die of anorexia and then fight for my life just so I could throw myself into a tank full of cracked out anorexic and bulimic models.

I know I should be thankful that the woman thinks I'm pretty enough to be a model (I don't!) but the comment really is sad when you think about it.